Saturday, April 26, 2014

BUS577 Team Project Instructions

Over the semester, students will form teams and create a simple online project that illustrate computing and digital skills that are critical for their chosen industry of focus. Throughout the semester, student teams will explore the role of digital technologies in their future careers. There are three parts of the analysis, and the team will post each part on the Team Project Site when a Team Assignment is due. These postings constitute Team Assignments 1-3. 
The team will also present their team work at a poster session during the final exam week. Faculty and professional judges will attend the poster session and grading will be partially determined by the judges' ratings.

Form Project Teams
You are encouraged to find team members and form teams on your own. The instructor can facilitate but the formation process usually works the best when initiated by the students. Each team should consist of 3-4 members. Please email the instructor names of your team members as soon as the team composition is finalized.

Create Team Project Site using Blogger
In the beginning of the semester, your team will set up a Team Project Site like this one.
To do so, you will first create a new Gmail account for the team, and then use this new account to create a Blogger site.
Instructions for creating a Blogger site is available here

Configure the layout of the Team Project Site
1. Create five pages
  • Page 1: Industry Overview: ABC
  • Page 2: Digital Technologies in ABC
  • Page 3: Potential Digital Innovations in ABC
Please replace ABC with the name of your industry (e.g., chemistry, marketing, social work)
2. Make these three pages tabs across the top (like how the template is designed.) You can do so by "Adding a Gadget" on the Layout page of the Dashboard. See written instructions or video tutorial if needed.
  • "Add the Gadget" across the top, and then choose the "Pages" function.
  • Delete the Gadget's title (which is optional). The default title is "Pages." Delete it and save. 
3. Remove blog archive from the right-hand-side panel (by configuring the Layout on the blog Dashboard).
    Implement Google Analytics
    The student team must implement Google Analytics on the Team Project Site in order to track and analyze web traffic. You will discuss insights gained  from Google Analytics in your poster presentation.
    1. Sign up for Google Analytics using the Gmail account you used for creating the Team Project site. 
    2. Enter you Team Project site's URL, when prompted for an URL during Google Analytics set-up.
    3. Copy the "tracking ID", not "tracing code" when set up is complete.
    4. Follow instructions available in this video tutorial to paste the tracking ID into your Team Project Site.
    5. To verify your Google Analytics has been implemented properly, please follow suggestions available in this help document.
    Industry Choices
    Student teams should choose industries that are relevant for their majors. Feel free to explore these pages on the course website for inspiration

    Healthcare in the Digital Age

    Sustainability in the Digital Age

    Arts, Science and Business in the Digital Age